I woke up 22 at 3 a.m today and before I could even feel myself slowly withering to dust. A band of goons, goblins, and geriatrics I have come to know in the past year and a half. Showed up, showering me with the most amazing gifts and tokens of appreciation I have ever received. To place them on the pedestals they rightly deserve thank you so much @PKToastyVA @Joemega @LobsterMango @Octo @JuneSSai @StaggerNight @KOLANI @RGPAnims @Daemonplus and @Potatoman. I genuinely don't know how to feel about the fact that you guys went through the trouble of organizing a secret little trash pile to plan your stuff out for me. No friends I've had would ever go to those kinds of lengths for me. I have never been treated so kindly by any group of people in the past or present. Thank you all for filling my future with the good vibes and near-constant threats against my life. Each and every one of you, even if not mentioned here. Is an amazing person with so much raw talent and the ability to make people smile. Never stop.
Looking back at the last year on Newgrounds I have not only found myself surrounded by people I am eternally grateful to call friends. I, for the first time in my life, see the things I do as actually important. While my talent still lags behind some of the amazing people I interact with. The fact that people feel like they can come to me and get assistance on furthering their own visions has no ceiling for the pride it brings. For that, thank you Newgrounds as a whole. You are all part of something amazing and I can't believe it took me so long to join. Forgive me
Happy Birthday!